
2025 Calendar of Events (*subject to change)

Note: Board Meetings and General Membership Meetings are on Sundays unless otherwise noted.

** The cost of the lunch for the General Membership meeting is $5.00. If you are unable to attend any event

that you have signed up for, please let us know as we are still required to pay for all meals.

March 16 (Sunday) – 12:00 noon. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, Legend Restaurant. RSVP by March 9.

April 1 – June 30 – Scholarship Application period. Completed application must be received by: June 30, 2025.

May 10 (Saturday) – 6:00 pm. SPRING BANQUET, Jade Dynasty Restaurant. 

July 13 (Sunday) – 12:00 noon. BOARD MEETING, Legend Restaurant (if required).

August 17 (Sunday) – 10:00 am. United Chinese Society (UCS) Picnic, Kapiolani Park.

September 13 (Saturday) – 10:00 am. PALOLO CHINESE HOME VISITATION.

October 12 (Sunday) – 12:00 noon. BOARD MEETING, Legend Restaurant.

November 9 (Sunday) – 12:00 noon. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, Legend Restaurant. RSVP by Nov 1.

December 7 (Sunday) – KAMS’ SOCIETY CHRISTMAS PARTY, 3660 on the Rise.

Please RSVP to Paulette (Poppy) Ing for Board and General Membership Meetings


Chinese New Year Parade 2024

Year of the Dragon

It has become a yearly tradition to participate in the Chinese New Year downtown parade.  The excitement began on Friday as 13 members gathered  to decorate the float.  Georgette and Joaquin Silva donated the truck.  The poles and chairs were welded onto the truck, it was repainted, cleaned and polished. The members created beautiful floral arrangements in two hours and were treated to dinner at Hong Nien that night.

Members young and old met at the Capitol on Saturday to start the parade.  It was perfect afternoon for a parade with clear blue skies and a little breeze  as 30 of us rode or walked in the lineup.  It was fun to  wave at the huge crowds and wish them a Gung Hee Fat Choy! We were so proud to walk alongside our beautiful float.  Later we met at the See Dai Doo Hall for dinner.  Hope to see more of you next year and join the fun.

Is that Crossing Rain??

Autumn Banquet at Jade Dynasty Restaurant

Sept 10, 2022

2023 President Colleen Lee

1st VP Wendy Mow

Colleen Lee

Past Presidents

2023 Officers and Directors

Dragon Boat Race

July 30, 2022

Felipe Manangan, Jeff Kam and Ralph Kam

Finally all done!

Westley Mow, Jeff Kam, Margaret and Felipe Manangan

Creating the Dragon Boat 

Sean McNamara and family

Felipe, leader of the pack!

Sean McNamara with his ohana and Daniel Kam

Felipe Manangan, Sean McNamara, Daniel Kam,      Ralph Kam and Westley Mow