Kams' Society Hawaii
President’s Message
Aloha Kams' Society Members,
Happy New Year. I hope you were able to welcome the year with your family and friends. In the lunar year, 2025 is the year of the Wood Snake – a year of change and development. Although change can be filled with uncertainty, I look at change as good for personal growth and new opportunities. Thank you to all the officers, members, family, and friends who helped with our events last year and we look forward to working with you again this year. Your willingness to serve and volunteer is much appreciated by Lynette, Lisa, Jocelyne, and myself. Our first event of the year – Chinatown Parade, was very successful. Many of our members came out to march in the parade. Following the parade, members gathered for dinner at the See Dai Doo Society Hall. I hope you all had a good time, and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. Many thanks to 1st VP Lynette Kam who chaired this fun event. If you know of anyone who meets the requirements to be a member of the Kams’ Society, please ask them to join. If you have changes to your personal information (address, phone number, e-mail), please email our Membership Chair, Jocelyne Chun so we can update our membership file and you can keep informed on future Kams’ Society events. Finally, due to an inquiry by several members, a committee will be formed to explore the feasibility of producing a “Kams’ Society Family Tree”. As this will be a huge task requiring many hands, time, and active participation from members, it can also be beneficial for our members for future reference. If you are interested in becoming part of this committee, please contact Lynette Kam.
Until the next time,
Wendy Mow
Check out our website at:
Hospitalizations: We have had several of our members suffering from falls that required hospitalizations recently: Valerie Chong and Molly Kam. Luckily, everyone is recuperating and were sent get well cards and monetary gifts from our society. Please be careful as you move around and please keep safely active.
Deaths: Our condolences and monetary gift were sent to the family of our member Mae Kam who passed on August 18, 2024.
Condolences were given to the late Alvin K.P. Kam who passed away on December 29, 2024.
Our condolences and monetary gift were sent to the family of our member Douglas Nyip Cho Kam-Young who passed on January 14, 2025.
If you know of any member who has been hospitalized for two or more days or who have passed away, please contact Lynette Kam.
Lynette Kam
1st Vice President
Christmas Party – The Christmas Party was held on Sunday December 1, 2024, and many members attended. Everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch from 3360 on the Rise, a visit from Santa, and many door prizes. The 2025 Officers were installed by Wesley Fong. Special thanks to Poppy for check in; Wendy Mow for favors; Poppy, Beverly Fujitani, Wallace Kam, Edna Cabrera, and Teri Jean Ogawa for door prize donations; Daniel Kam, Teri Jean Ogawa, and Jocelyne Chun for helping with Santa; and Leonard Kam for being the MC. Hope to see you again on December 7!!!
Chinatown Festival and Parade (by Lynette Kam) – On January 24, 16 people came together to decorate the float for the Chinatown parade. It was a very productive time that allowed our members to get to know each other better while working on a fruitful project. Thank you to those who came out and those who donated greenery and flowers. Thank you also to Westley Mow for painting the Year of the Snake banner that was displayed on the truck. It all worked together beautifully. The following afternoon, 45 people including 8 children participated in the parade. Following the parade, marchers dined at the See Dai Doo Society Hall. We’re appreciative of the See Dai Doo membership allowing us to join them. The day after the parade, a small group of people came to take the foliage off the truck. We thank Georgette and Joaquin for the use of their truck and allowing us the ability to decorate it at their site. Thank you to all who attended! In the future, if you have any flowers such as red ginger, heliconias, anthuriums, bird of paradise, etc. and greenery such as ti-leaves, song of India, monstera leaves, etc. that we could use on the float, please contact Lynette Kam. Also, we are looking for the Year of the Horse banner… please look around and if you find it, please contact Lynette Kam.
Lisa Kam
2nd Vice President
Membership & Scholarship
Welcome to our new members: Kyle K. Chang, Aerabal Fong DelaPina, Diane S.N. Kam, Jerrell B. Kam, Kainoa Mateo Kam, Alvin Kamm, Derek Kamm, Sidney Kamm, Jeffrey James Lum, Mark D.H. Lum, Stephanie M. Sekimura, Emma Ugale, and Kerry Ugale.
If anyone needs a membership application or has any updates regarding a change in name, email, mailing address, or phone number, please let me know. E-mail me at chunbunch@gmail.com for any membership updates and membership applications.
Scholarship applications will be available from April 1 – June 30, 2025. Completed applications must be postmarked by June 30, 2025. Please e-mail me for an application.
Jocelyne Chun
3rd Vice President